3 Steps to Letting the Holy Spirit Work

Today I want to talk about how the Holy Spirit works and what He has been up to with me.

Let’s look at Romans for some insight into one way the Holy Spirit works. Specifically how he helps us. In Romans 8:26-27 it says, “In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.”

So lately I’ve been asking for some direction in my life and God has been working on my heart in a couple of areas. I am going to share one with you in hopes that if someone else is struggling with this it would help them too. The main area that he’s been challenging me to grow in is my speech. I shared a while back that I had been completely convicted of my sometimes foul mouth. Again, sorry! BUT, I will share that I’ve been making HUGE gains in this area and please believe me when I say, it’s not me, it is the Holy Spirit. I believe that if it were up to me, I would continue to struggle in my sin and fail. But God knows that it affects my ability to be a witness to others when I speak that way. And I know it doesn’t glorify Him in the least. I want my speech to be uplifting to others.

My conviction is the Holy Spirit working in my heart. The Bible confirms this conviction in Ephesians 4:28, which says, “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister Grace unto the hearers.”

Is the Holy Spirit working in you today? What does the bible say about your conviction? I’m not asking to create guilt but I do hope that you are allowing the Holy Spirit to turn the stones in your life over to find areas in which to work. So do we allow the Holy Spirit to work in our lives more and grow in our walk as Christians?

Romans 8:5 says, “Those who live according to the flesh have their minds set on what the flesh desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires.”

As a Christian, I have committed my life to the Lord and thus set my mind on what the Spirit desires. No, I’m not perfect! And my human nature does take over sometimes, but my goal is to submit to His will daily.

Here are 3 steps that we can take to make sure we are submitting to the Lords will and allowing the Holy Spirit to work in our lives:

1) Rise Early

*I know, I know! I’m not a morning person either. Dragging myself out of the bed before I absolutely have to always feels hard. But I CAN NOT tell you how much I have cherished the early morning time with God. Giving him the first part of my day and making him the priority shows him that I am submitting to Him and his will for my life. Trust me, He will meet you in that place and you’ll be glad you got up a little earlier!

2) Pray and Listen

*We hear this all the time… “Pray about it!” But do we really do this? Do we sincerely take our concerns and needs to God? And when we do, do we listen for his answer and guidance? I will be honest and tell you that I have been guilty on many occasions to rush through my list with God and then move on. But it’s not his intention to be our genie in a bottle. When I really think about it, God didn’t send Jesus to die for my sins just so I could throw up some half-hearted prayers. When I pray and then give the Lord some space to work and stir my heart for how he wants to work through the situation, He always answers. It may not be what I expected but I know His ways are higher than my ways and He’s in control!

3) Be consistent!

*I’m soooo bad at being consistent. A lot of people have a hard time being consistent. Isn’t that why we make the same new year’s resolutions each year!? I’m kidding! Well, sort of. But seriously, when we make consistent time for God and allow the Holy Spirit to work through us, we will see real, tangible results. It’s like going to the gym once and expecting to be buff! Not ever gonna happen! We have to be consistently committed to working out for that to happen. So remember, when we have a prayer request or need in our life, we need to continue to seek out God’s will for it. Meditate on his word and what you feel he is leading you to do. I know when the time is right, He will speak to you. He will open a door or an opportunity and you will see how he’s been working in the background even when you weren’t aware of it.

Dear Lord, help me today to submit to you and give you the first fruits of my day. Meet me in that secret place where it is just you and me! Use the Holy Spirit to speak to me and guide me throughout my life. I pray that when I leave this life, that you were given glory for it all! Amen. 

What are some of your tips for letting the Holy Spirit work more in your life?

Leave a comment below! 

2 thoughts on “3 Steps to Letting the Holy Spirit Work

  1. Alex Sanfilippo

    I’m glad you mentioned #1 above “Rise Early” – My body doesn’t love to wake up early, but over the past year I’ve begun doing this and it’s helped me a LOT. Thanks for sharing today!

    Also, your website is great; very well done!

    Regards, Alex



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